Thursday, May 17, 2018

THE REBELLION by Livy Lynn // Blog Tour & Interview

Hello, my dear Dragons! Today, I'm delighted to present Livy Lynn, founder of the Crown of Beauty magazine + author of Tales of Tarsurella! The Rebellion (book two in Livy's series) released last week, and I'm honored to be a part of the celebration! Without further ado, The Rebellion...



Something is brewing. Like the far off rumble of a train in the distance, a rebellion is stirring. A cry for change arises in the midst of a traditional monarchy, where King Addison has inherited the throne. Who are the underground troublemakers? What is stirring their defiant banner and demand for change? Find out in The Rebellion!

Vanessa Bennett lands her dream job working at the Palace in Tarsurella. She struggles to balance everything on her plate: life in a new country, stressful deadlines, crabby co-workers, college classes at the local University, and blossoming feelings of romantic adoration toward her boss -- King Addison. Keeping up with her to-do list, while trying to earn respect in Addison's male-dominated administration, presents its challenges. Nevertheless, she can't help but fight a reoccurring thought and the excitement rising with it: is Addison interested in her?

Addison is adjusting to his new role as king. Rumors of a rebellious uprising among the youth in Tarsurella intensifies, as acts of violence and protest break out across the city. Addison is determined to uncover the hidden instigator who fearlessly blogs democracy-driven ideals with a secretive pen name. Will Addison discover and expose the fiery rebellion leader? Or will his efforts fail to stop the rebellious thoughts spreading like wildfire, causing a heartbreaking rift in his divided nation?

Book I: The Coronation: Amazon // Goodreads


Hi, Livy! Welcome to the blog! I'm so delighted to have you here! First off, would you mind introducing yourself and the Tales of Tarsurella?

Hi, Liv! (My name twin, haha!) Thank you so much for having me, it's an absolute pleasure! I'd love to introduce myself. *scrambles brain for a way to start talking about herself without feeling super awkward, lol*

I'm a twenty-something author, singer, song-writer, dreamer, blogger, and coach. I LOVE telling stories, and crafting fiction that truly lines up with Philippians 4:8. I'm also slightly obsessed with castles and all-things-royal, so that's why I created the Tales of Tarsurella and loaded it with sparkles and pixie dust.

The Tales of Tarsurella begins with the story of Prince Addison, who is only several weeks away from inheriting his Father's throne, in my debut novel, The Coronation. As if the stresses involved with the responsibility of ruling a tiny, modern-day, European monarchy aren't enough, he's got that whole "affairs of the heart" thing to deal with, as the pressure to get married and choose a future Queen is making things well... interesting. 

Addison and his royal siblings' stories continue in The Rebellion (which just released May 8th, AHH!) and lots of craziness happens. More glitter. Castles. Betrayal. All that good stuff.

If you could travel to any castle in the world, which one would you go to?

OH MY GOODNESS. THIS QUESTION IS SO PERFECT... yet so painful to answer. How can I possibly choose just ONE castle?! Can't I do, like, my top five? Haha!

If I were forced to choose only one, I think I would pick Neuschwanstein Castle, simply because I wrote a book featuring that castle in the storyline (not the Tales of Tarsreulla -- a different series) and now I want to go there, just so I can walk the same floor my characters have walked. ๐Ÿ’—

If you could meet any of your favorite authors, who would it be?

Jane Austen. I know she's no longer living, but I would love to pick her brain. I feel like we have a lot in common, in the fact that we both write very large casts, and our stories tend to revolve around the same themes: love. I feel like there are very few authors who are able to write love stories without completely muddling up the story and turning it into a total train-wreck or make it trashy or awkward, and I feel like Miss Austen was such a pro and keeping things pure, focused, and absolutely heart-moving.

How would you describe your publishing process?


Too long.

Haha, no! While it does require a lot of patience, all joking aside, my publishing journey has been a JOY. At the time of writing this, I'm currently self-published, so I've learned to do everything (oh wow, big surprise here) myself. There are so many blessings and benefits to going indie, and I love encouraging other aspiring authors to just GO for it. If you have a book in your heart, and you feel God is calling you to release it... don't hesitate. Self-publishing is really quite forgiving and you don't have to know everything to step out and begin figuring things out. Plus, if you're plugged in to an amazing writing community, there are always SO many people who can help and encourage you!

What advice do you have for Christian authors pursuing indie/self-publishing?

A few things. Number one, be patient with the process. Just like writing a novel takes time, the editing, formatting, cover-design, and publishing process can take just as long! (If not longer.) Patience is something ALL authors need (both in traditional-publishing and Indie) so it's great to begin practicing patience right where you're at! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Secondly, don't be afraid of failing, and don't feel like you have to be perfect to take the first step. Self-publishing can appear very intimidating at first, mainly because there is so much information out there, and when you try to scramble a bunch of puzzle-pieces together from across the internet, and don't really have a plan, or road-map in mind, it can be discouraging. That's definitely what I did. With my first book, Beauty, Boys, & Ball Gowns, I learned through trial and error. Now, seven books later, I'm SO thankful I stepped out and got my toes wet with self-publishing, even when I didn't have a clue what I was doing. If I would've waited for the "perfect moment" or until I felt "good enough," there still wouldn't be any books today!

Which leads me to my last tip. If you seriously desire to pursue self-publishing, but would much rather have a solid, proven road-map to follow, rather than just try to just randomly figure things out on your own, I would LOVE to help out! My incredible author friend, Bella, and I recently launched a coaching program to help authors self-publish their first book! (And don't worry, we're not fancy NYC guru's living in penthouses, we offer crazy affordable prices that actually work for people who haven't sold any books yet, haha!) If this sounds like something you'd enjoy, you can find more details here!

Thank you so much for your time, Livy! It's been a pleasure chatting with you. ๐Ÿ’–


Livy Jarmusch is a twenty-something author, singer, and songwriter. She enjoys crafting YA fiction that is pure, lovely, inspirational, and of course, entertaining! When she's not writing, you can usually find her playing guitar, blogging, drinking peppermint tea, connecting with new friends, planning her next trip to Disney, or pinning images of Europe and golden retriever puppies.


Thanks again for chatting with me, Livy! I'm so excited for The Rebellion's release! ๐Ÿ˜„

Dragons, have you read any Tales of Tarsurella?


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